Art Nouveau - Logo
Motifs: flat muted colors, vine tendrils, floral abstraction, curvilinear shapes
Comments: I like the colors in this logo, and how the shapes retain
their curves yet strongly implies a square outline.
Art Nouveau - Logo
Motifs: flat colors, vine tendrils, floral abstraction, curvilinear shapes, simplified figure,
Comments: I like the colors and the execution of the illustration. Reminds me of the Absinthe Robette.
Art Nouveau - Logo
Motifs: curvilinear shapes and abstract hair, simplified figure, black outline
Art Nouveau - Logo
Motifs: black outline, Nouveau typography with curvilinear shapes and embellished strokes
Comments: I found this on a individual's blog site which had a lot of really cool detailed logos and typogrphy. Super cool!
Art Nouveau - Logo
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, floral abstractions, flat colors, Nouveau typography
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, flowing hair, figure, embellished decorative boarder,
Nouveau typography
Comments: I really like the colors in this ad, and its neat how the positioning and form of the figures also follow the style of curving lines
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: flat color, simplified figures, black outlines, floral abstractions, nature influenced
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: flat color, simplified figure, flowing hair, decorative tendrils, curvilinear shapes
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: decorative floral abstractions, simplified figures, black outlines, flat colors,
nature influence background, flowing hair
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: simplified figure, flat colors, black outline, floral abstractions,
circular elemets, stylized hair, Nouveau typography
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: flat color, simplified figure, black outlines, floral designs, flowing hair,
asian inspired, simple decorative boarder
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: floral abstractions, vine tendrils, flat colors,
simplified figures, Nouveau typography
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: simple decorative boarders, curvilinear shapes, flat colors, Nouveau typography
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: flat colors, simplified figure, black outline, flowing hair, asian inspired, floral abstractions
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: abstract flowing hair, floral abstractions, simplified figure,
black outline, flat colors, circular shapes
Comments: This reminds me a lot of the pictures of profile views of women in ads,
like Meunier and Bradley works.
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: flowing hair, curvilinear shapes, simplified figure and shape of figure, circular designs
Art Nouveau - Ad
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, abstract smokes and other designs, vine tendrils,
floral abstractions, flat colors, simplified figure
Art Nouveau - Poster
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, flat color, floral abstractions, rounded corners
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: hand drawn, high and low waistline, weighted stresses
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: vine tendrils, embellishd stroke endings
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: hand drawn, triangular characters, weighted stresses
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: high waisted, triangular characters, slabbed serifs
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: embellished stroke endings, hand drawn, angular crossbars
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: embellished stoke endings, angular crossbars, high waisted weighted stress
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: embellished stoke endings, high waisted, weighted stress, hand drawn, tendrils
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: hand drawn, angular crossbars, weighted stress, low waisted
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: embellished stroke endings, high waisted, curvilinear, low weighted stress
Art Nouveau - Typeface
Motifs: angular crossbars, high weighted stress, triangular characters
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, floral abstractions, circular designs, organic
Comments: I think this is awesome. I would love to have a house that was
Art Nouveau inside and out. Some of the Nouveau Architecture reminds me of what an
elven building would look like, especially this picture.
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, circular designs, embellished lines
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, rounded corners, circular design
Comments: This is also a very beautiful door, I would love to have a front door like this.
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, floral abstractions, vine tendrils, rounded corners, circular design
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, iron railing made in shape
vine tendrils and other organic resemblances
Art Nouveau - Architecture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, vine tendrils in iron railing
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, floral abstractions, vine tendrils, rounded corners
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, floral abstractions, rounded corners
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, rounded corners
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, floral abstractions,
rounded corners and edges
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, abstracts smoke, curvilinear shapes, rounded corners
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, vine tendrils, organic and elements of nature
Art Nouveau - Furniture
Motifs: honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, circular design
Art Nouveau - Lamp
Motifs: flowing hair, curvilinear shapes, abstract bird, elements of nature
Art Nouveau - Lamp
Motifs: flowing hair, curvilinear shapes, floral abstractions, vine tendrils
Art Nouveau - Lamp
Motifs: flowing hair, simplified figure, curvilinear shapes
Art Nouveau - Candélabre
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, vine tendrils, floral abstractions
Art Nouveau - Vase
Motifs: vine tendrils, organic, curvilinear shapes
Art Nouveau - Vase
Motifs: honesty of material, vine tendrils, curvilinear shapes
Art Nouveau - Pitcher
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, floral abstractions, vine tendrils, abstract flowing of dress
Art Nouveau - Clock
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, vine tendrils, organic
Art Nouveau - Mirror
Motifs: curvilinear shapes, honesty of material, organic tendrils
Art Nouveau - Mirror
Motifs: flowing hair, honesty of material, curvilinear shapes, vine tendrils, floral abstractions
Art Nouveau - Mirror
Motifs: honesty of material, floral abstractions, organic, vine tendrils